Sunday, November 4, 2018

Things Are Moving Slowly Right Now

2018 was supposed to be Hope Station USA's year to come up, but finances and medical conditions have thrown monkey wrenches into the mix every time I turn around. Now that I am getting healthier and having my medical needs addressed, I am working to get things going for 2019.

No one ever said that it would be easy and with so much going against the homeless, they make it nearly impossible for small grass root organizations to come up and really do some good. I have been doing some checking and researching things to do to bring her back up.

I now have a reliable vehicle that can make the trips to Florida to fundraise and feed the homeless it is just getting the funds together to get there. Book sales have been slow because Summer is a slow time for book sales anyway, but I am expecting it to pick up soon where a quarter of my book royalties go back into Hope Station to give her a residual income.

Foundations and grants have been changing so much to cater to hospitals and education, that it seems that everyone forgot about the homeless out there trying to survive in the elements. I will never forget about them because I was once out there with them and I know how cold it can be or how unsafe it can be.

My one wish is for everyone to step up and adopt a homeless person to help them become self-sufficient again. At least help us to help them where they can see where their donations are going. I have been doing my very best to try and pick things up and get the funding that we need to help and maintain, but people just don't seem to care anymore.

Everyone is having a hard time in our economy, but it only takes one dollar to help someone. If everyone in the world gave up one dollar we would not have a homeless problem. I do have an idea for a program to help the homeless get back on their feet and need to do some more research on it to make it happen.

I am getting excited for a new year to happen because this year has gone by so fast that it has made people's heads spin. Along with book writing, which takes a lot of my time, and putting things together for the Hope Station, this next year should be a good one.

I just need more proof that we are servicing the homeless to gain more funding. It will happen and I have faith that God has made a way for me to help them. I just need everyone's help to take the steps needed. So, for now, send your prayers that Hope Station will come back to life for us and for them next year. God Bless!

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