Friday, March 1, 2019

3/1/2019 Status Update

Hello everyone and how are you? I am doing fantastic and my thoughts and prayers go out to those living on the streets. Last night I finished researching all the information that I needed for the new program of Hope Station USA call Pathway to Self-Sufficiency. it will be a program to help them transition from living on the streets to becoming a working tax paying member of society.

We put a lot of thought into this program and do believe it to be a huge benefit to the community and society as well as to the homeless individuals who join the program. It gives them that hand up that they need to get back on their feet again.

I will place part of the grant proposal and the estimated costs here in this post so that everyone could see what the program entails and what the costs would be to get her up and running. We would use homeless individuals and volunteers to help build the little community and it would provide a few jobs per location that are constructed.

We are excited about it and the benefits outweigh anything else that comes close to helping them. I can't have my heartstrings pulled every time I see someone out there panhandling to survive when most are able to work and that is another benefit of the program and that is to get them working again.

So here is the information about the program and maybe everyone could chip in and help us out.

Pathway to Self-Sufficiency is a program created by Hope Station USA, Inc. that would provide a stable and safe place for a homeless individual to live and with the programs help, they will learn the steps to becoming a working and tax-paying member of society again.
The program consists of steps that will need to be taken in order to graduate the program and become self-sufficient. Each individual will be assessed, and the program will be tailored to the individual's needs and goals. Individuals that graduate from the program will also be considered milestones and accomplishments for Hope Station USA, Inc.
The program for each individual will be six months long, and upon their time of graduation, they will be assisted in moving into their new apartment or home. We will provide transportation to and from their place of employment and back to their assigned housing unit at Pathways to Self-Sufficiency. Each individual will be required to sign a contract stating that they will abide by the rules of the program and that they will assist in keeping everyone within the walls of the program safe and from harm.
There will be ten steps to the program with the first one being the assessment and then being assigned a housing unit. There will be twenty housing units within each Pathway to Self-Sufficiency location created. The goal of this program is to assist as many homeless individuals as we can and get them back into society.
The next step will be to sit down with them and set some goals both short term and long term. We want them to understand that they do have choices on how they live and how they want to be perceived by society. We will also assist them in building a resume if they have work experience prior to becoming homeless.
Through our computer lab, they will have access to job seeking resources and the occasional free time with the internet but under supervision and website blocking for inappropriate material. Also, there will be our version of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous which will be led by myself or a guest speaker with ten or more years under their belt. I have been clean and sober for ten years now and I cherish every minute of it.
There will be community nights where everyone will get together and hang out and get to know each other and barbeque weekends. Hope Station USA will provide them with meals and hygiene products as well as any clothing that they might need for job seeking. The purpose of these meetings will be to let everyone know that they are not alone and to give them hope.
Another step will be to teach them life lessons as we call them. Each individual will be taught the basics of living a normal life, such as cooking, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, and sewing. We want to equip them to be able to take care of themselves once out on their own.
Once they have acquired employment, then we will take them to open a bank account and teach them to budget and save money. They will have to be taught how to pay bills and live a normal life. After thirty days of working, we will require them to pay one- hundred and fifty dollars a month as a rental payment for their housing unit. This will be used as an income to keep the program going.
The next step will be to assist them in securing a source of transportation. Whether they want a vehicle or a bicycle, it will be to help them get around. Soon after they have acquired their own source of transportation, it will be time to begin saving for their very own apartment.
At their six-month period, we will assist them in moving to their own apartment and we will have a graduation party for them before they are checked out of their housing unit.

Each housing unit will be equipped with a twin bed, a micro-fridge, a small microwave, a refurbished television, a dresser, and a desk with chair and a small lamp. There will be curfews in place for their own safety and someone will be on guard overnight to maintain the safety of the community.
With this program, it will create four to five jobs per location that will be laborers, overnight people, and a housekeeper to keep the bathroom and showers clean on top of doing the laundry that is needed. This person will also check people in and out during the day in the administration building.

Costs Associated with Program-                $135,000
Property Purchase-         $26,000- 30,000              
Utilities-               $6,000- 10,000 Estimated per year
Salaries -              $80,000/ year    4 Employees      $20,000/year/each
Passenger Van- $15,000

Build Cost for Community-          $107,666.56
Fence-  $9,182.95
Administrative Building w/ Computer Lab-            $6,667.54
Dining Hall Plus Kitchen-               $5,282.87
Laundry Room- $2,344.89
Shower/ Bathroom Building-       $4,636.16
Amenities/ Appliances- $20,292.35
Tiny House-        $2,212.99 each @ 20 = $44,259.80
Miscellaneous hardware/ Tools-                $10,000
Septic-  $5,000

Total Cost of Program-  $242,666.56

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